1. THE DOCTOR’S HOUSE provides tourist accommodation (rooms/studio/apartments) in full compliance with the Tourism Act.
2. These General Terms and Conditions stipulate the relationship between PROVIDER on the one hand, and the individuals /USERS/ who use the web site and the ser-vices offered by THE DOCTOR’S HOUSE on the web ad-dress https://doctorshousesozopol.com/ on the other hand.
3. The USERS who are customers of THE DOCTOR’S HOUSE must be legal entities or individuals. The latter must be active citizens above 18 years old.
https://doctorshousesozopol.com is the booking platform through which the PRO-VIDER offers tourist accommodation (rooms, a studio, apartments) in the catego-rised commercial cite THE DOCTOR’S HOUSE. The website contains detailed and updated information about the available rooms, apartments and a studio and their prices.
5. CONTENT means:
The entire information of the web-site https://doctorshousesozopol.com/ which is accessible via Internet connection and by using a device with an Internet connection;
• The content of every message by the PROVIDER and/or the USER, sent electronically or through other means of communication;
• Any information provided by any means by an employee/associate of the PROVIDER through electronic or other means for remote transmission;
• Information related to the Services and/or the rates offered by the PROVID-ER over a period of time;
• The information concerning the USERS and related to the Services and/or the applicable tariffs from third parties with whom the Contractor has entered into partnership contracts in some form;
• Data about the PROVIDER.
6. COMMERCIAL MESSAGE means any message sent via electronic communication channels (such as e-mail, push of the mobile device/web push, etc.) containing general and thematic information about the offered services, information about of-fers, promotions.
7. TRANSACTION means an action of the PROVIDER to block or recover an amount from/to the USER, carried out solely by bank transfer. Transfer of funds by or on behalf of the PROVIDER carried out in fulfilment of obligations under a remotely concluded contract for the proposed accommodation services.
8. Публикуваната информация за свободни стаи, студио и апартаменти на сайта https://doctorshousesozopol.com/ представлява офертата на ДОСТАВЧИКА, а попълването на резервационна форма и изпращането й от ПОТРЕБИТЕЛ за съответния брой нощувки и вид стая /настаняване/ представлява приемане на офертата. Сключване на договор от разстояние е налице с получаване на потвърждение от ДОСТАВЧИКА по направената конкретна резервация.
9. Th present GENERAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS and the time periods, rights and obligations stipulated in them are binding for all USERS of the website who have made a booking on the web address https://doctorshousesozopol.com/. By clicking the button for getting acquainted with and agreeing to the General Terms and Conditions on the page https://doctorshousesozopol.com/ the USER agrees, fully accepts and undertakes to comply with the GENERAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS.
10. The PROVIDER has the right at any time to change unilaterally the type and the conditions of the offered rooms/apartments and the accommodation.
11. The PROVIDER has the right at any time to change unilaterally the GENERAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS and is obliged to inform the USERS by publishing this information at: https://doctorshousesozopol.com/ and to notify the USER about this on the email specified in the registration form.
12. The website https://doctorshousesozopol.com/ can be viewed freely by visitors without registration.
13. Bookings of rooms/studio/apartments for specific dates can be made in one of the following ways:
13.1. by phone;
13.2. Through the booking platform of the PROVIDER at: https://doctorshousesozopol.com/
14. Bookings can be made without creating a USER profile on the PROVIDER’s platform.
15. The USER agrees with the terms and conditions for using the services of the web-site by clicking any item, link or button located on the website and it is deemed that the USERS are acquainted with the terms and conditions, they accept them and are obliged to observe them.
16. Регистрацията на потребителски профил се извършва чрез попълване на регистрационна форма в реално време от ПОТРЕБИТЕЛЯ. Полетата, които задължително следва да бъдат попълнени, са отбелязани със звездичка. С отбелязване с отметка в полето „Прочел съм и съм съгласен с Общите условия“ ПОТРЕБИТЕЛЯТ извършва електронно изявление по смисъла на Закона за електронния документ и електронния подпис, с което декларира, че е запознат с Общите условия и ги приема изцяло.
17. By accepting the GENERAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS, the USER expressly agree that the PROVIDER may send advertising messages, information, materials, etc. to the provided e-mail, if the USER has given consent for processing of personal data in this connection.
18. Upon registration, the USER provides for processing the personal data required by the registration form on the grounds of Art. 6, § 1, б (b) of Regulation 2016/679 /GDPR/. The PROVIDER may, at any time, change the type of personal data re-quired for registration at the website solely for the purpose for which the data is collected and in accordance with the applicable Bulgarian and EU law
19. Във връзка с конкретна оферта на ДОСТАВЧИКА или когато се прави резервация за повече от един човек, то е налице т. нар. групова резервация. В този случай не е необходимо да се създава потребителски профил на всяко едно лице от групата. Резервацията може да се извърши от потребителския профил на един от групата, но в резервационната форма следва да се отбележат на обозначените места данни на всеки от гостите на хотела.
20. By filling-in the booking form, the USER agrees and declares to provide correct, ac-curate and up-to-date information.
21. After filling-in and sending the booking form, the USER receives an e-mail from the PROVIDER confirming the booking, with information about the stays, the number of beds, the rooms/apartments type and the accommodation. The sent confirma-tion is deemed remote conclusion of a contract.
22. The booking price amounts to 30% of the full amount for the stay for the specific room and type of accommodation. All prices published on https://doctorshousesozopol.com/ are in BGN including VAT.
23. The quoted price per stay at https://doctorshousesozopol.com/ includes tour-ist tax and insurance.
24. The payment of a 30 % deposit of the full amount for the stay must be made by the USER within 72 hours from:
24.1. The confirmation of the booking by the PROVIDER via e-mail that contains the bank account to which the bank deposit of 30% of the total amount for the stay of he USER must be transferred by the USER.
24.2. the booking made by phone.
25. The booking can be considered confirmed only after the 30% bank deposit has of the full amount for the USER’s stay has been made by the USER. In this case the PROVIDER sends the USER an e-mail confirming that the 30% deposit of the full amount for the USER’s stay has been received to the e-mail indicated by the USER.
26. If the payment is not made within the required period the booking is cancelled.
27. With the accommodation of the USER in the guest house on the respective day and time and the payment by the USER of the remaining amount for the stay upon reg-istration and with the expiration of the stay the contract is deemed fulfilled.
28. The USER has the following obligations:
28.1. To make the 30% bank deposit of the full amount for the desired stay 72 hours after filling in the booking form on the booking platform of THE DOCTOR’S HOUSE on the web address с https://www.doctorshousesozopol.com and to pay the remaining amount for the stay in the guest house upon arrival and during reg-istration.
28.2. To provide the correct and accurate information required for the check-in and accommodation;
28.3. To smoke only in the places specifically designated for that (on the balconies). Всички глоби за нарушения на тази забрана са за сметка на ПОТРЕБИТЕЛЯ.
28.4. To not bring into the hotel premises flammable or explosive substances, gases or hazardous substances or smelly substances or radioactive sources.
28.5. To observe the safety and security measures.
28.6. to not disturb or interfere in any way with the stay of the other guests of THE DOCTOR’S HOUSE.
29. All damages to the building of THE DOCTOR’S HOUSE caused by the USER will be paid in accordance with the price list of THE DOCTOR’S HOUSE and will be calculated up-on departure of the USER.
30. The PROVIDER will not be liable for failure to fulfil obligations under this contract when the failure is due to incorrect and/or inaccurate information specified by the USER.
31. The PROVIDER will not be liable if, for a reason that cannot be attributed to the PROVIDER, the dates of the respective booking have to be canceled or changed. In this case, the USER will not be entitled to compensation for any costs or damages incurred as a result of such cancellation or change.
32. The PROVIDER will not be liable for any damages incurred by the USER as a result of theft, robbery, acts and/or omissions of third parties committed during the stay at the hotel, unless the fault of the PROVIDER for the damage is duly determined.
33. The website at https://doctorshousesozopol.com/ contains copyright materials, texts, images, graphic logos and graphics which are property of the PROVIDER under the Copyright and Related Rights act.
34. The PROVIDER grants each USER the right to copy, transfer and/or use the content only for personal or non-commercial purposes and provided that these purposes do not contradict these General Terms and Conditions.
35.The materials on this website may not be modified or copied in any way, including incorporation in content of any context different from that originally intended by the PROVIDER, and may not be publicly distributed or given for any public or commercial purpose.